Saturday, March 20, 2010

Doing the Right Thing

You woke up and the first thought that came up to you was why the motherfuckers didn't do the right thing. The answers could be one or all of the following: cowardice, laziness, lack of love. You looked at the motherfuckers and a wave of nausea and contempt came over you. They were animals all right, and yet they pathetically and self-righteously reacted with a visceral vehemence of outrage and denial if you said so to their faces.To your way of thinking, they were worse than garbage. They were toxic waste which needed to be got rid of. Now you know what disgust really means. As you explained to a dunce last night, life only has meaning if it is lived with a purpose of upgrading and bettering the lives of others. Selfishness and self-absorption lead to no discovery of true joys and contentment. We live for others, not for ourselves. If we really care about ourselves, we must work on ourselves to a point we can be of use to others. A person who does not help his community, his tribe, his people in the hour of need does not deserve to live because deep down his life has no purpose, no meaning, no significance than that of a rock or a fly in a cesspool. Whether he dies now or twenty years from now, it makes no difference to his tribe, his people because he just occupies space and consumes resources.

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