Thursday, October 31, 2013

Meditated Message to a self-deceiving, nasty, sarcastic JAW

You talked a good game, but by failing to see that you are a nobody who has no talents and have accomplished nothing worthwhile, you are still very much into denial. By any standard, you are just an ungifted plain Jane. Your nastiness and inferiority complex lurk deep in your soul. I am much more honest about myself than you are about yourself. I am vastly superior to you. You know that and I know that. By hiding behind the phony, false injunction, "thou shall not judge!", you seek comfort in an illusion that nobody has a right to judge you. You fail to see a human uses his mind to evaluate his surroundings, including any human animal being in front of him. Is the animal a friend or a foe? Is the animal benign or dangerous? We judge, pass judgment, assess, evaluate, compare and contrast ourselves and others 24/7. That's why I often say you cannot think logically. You are not smart enough. You employ trite, worn statements as guiding posts. You are not kind or enlightened as you profess to be. Your incursions into Buddhism are a joke! If you are really a Buddhist, you would see I have spoken with heart and fearlessness. Truth is my guiding light, not self-deception. 

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