Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Meanings of my words

Meanings of my words

Often when I write, a warning from Mark Twain rings in my ears. "Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted. Persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot." I write because I like to see my brain struggle with symbols called words, to negotiate a world full of ignoramuses and hypocrites, and to counterbalance the pain of mental anguish with the balm of humor, laced with occasional flashes of lyricism.

Some of what I wrote creatively had a tenuous connection with reality, but more often than not, they were a product of wishful thinking and imagination. The polemical pieces and essays, however, were written to let off steam and to expose the ignorance, the shallowness of "thinking", and the lack of logic in the "reasoning" of certain individuals who are much better off to keep their mouths shut in order to spare this world of noise pollution and excessive nonsense. Unlike the products of their feeble, syphilitic minds, my non-creative pieces have a sparkling clarity of expressions and cogent reasoning, backed up by solid facts. If my interlocutors and critics whine and wail about non-existent nonsense of the defects of my pieces in order to deflect from the pathetic state of affairs of their own, my best course of action is to flick my wrist, shrug my shoulders and move on with my life. There is no point to hold a conversation with those who have neither courage nor decency to face reality and admit their errors. We can tell a lot about the character of a person by the way he argues with others. In case you wonder if I am aware of my own character, here's my self-analysis which I offer free of charge: undiplomatic, arrogant, boastful, caustic, corrosive, and eternally and elegiacally on the side of logic and truth as I see them.

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