Sunday, July 14, 2013

Facts and Realities Redux

Facts and Realities Redux 

Everybody is not entirely free of self-projection. It's our default mode of thinking when we don't really take full stock of the situations. We assume that others would think the same way as we do. Liars think everybody lies. Women who sleep with men for money think every woman is a potential whore. 

"Feelings"of anger surface when we are under personal attacks, no matter if they are justified or not. Few humans are calm and composed even when they are justifiably attacked. Few humans are that secure and respectful of facts and realities. Most humans would lash back, using whatever means at their disposal and in the process they reveal what they are made of and what their true nature is. Their masks fall off their ugly faces. They become angry, even mad. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering and worse. If you really want to know who a person really is, just make him very angry. He will say or do things that may surprise you. 

I disagree with my good friend Gene that all humans are made of the same stuff. I don't subscribe to egalitarianism in the emotional and intellectual make-up of humans. I believe in elitism. And I do believe, very strongly in fact, that despite some superficial commonalities like biological imperatives and social drives, no two humans are really alike in temperament, morality, and abilities. I see so with my own eyes. As I explained to a nitwit, those who believe in egalitarianism are dreamy, starry-eyed idealists or idiots and ignoramuses who take refuge and comfort in that silly notion, but when the morning comes, realities hit them in the eyes and they would blink in shame and embarrassment. 

I suppose I am speaking from personal experiences. Ever since I got on the web and started airing my thoughts, I have realized, much to my chagrin, that some humans really have no sense of shame nor honor nor self-respect. All they care about is their phony pride, even if they have to lie and make up stories to protect it while inflicting harm on their targets. On the other hand, all my attacks on their character are based on verifiable facts. I respect facts and realities while they do not. Essentially that's the difference between them and me. That's why I don't subscribe to a silly  notion that all humans are made of the same stuff.

July 14, 2013

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