Friday, April 8, 2011

In "Praise" of Phoniness

They use words that show their phoniness and sophistry. Come on, whom the f-ck they thought they could fool. You couldn't find an ounce of modesty in them. Instead, all pride and lies and phoniness. Liars get together and congratulate themselves on being honest and truthful. They make you want to throw up!

You have come across imbeciles who received some schooling and then fancy they are educated and smart. They lie, cheat, steal, and make monkeys of themselves as they journey through life. Today you came across two brazen thieves. Then you met an aggressive, stupid, but lucky dude who brought out homicidal impulses in you. But you controlled yourself. You are waiting for the right moment. Good things come to those who wait. Right timing is important for success. There is a difference between bravery and bravado. Steel and train yourself for moments of testing.

The absence of the unctuous politician surprised you. Once again, you don't know what people are made of until and unless they are tested. You suppose there is a limit to what a human can take in terms of public taunting and "kidding". Additionally, for the very first time the words "karmic retribution" came to your febrile mind. The sins of a father will be atoned with unimaginable anguish for generations to come. So, attacking others must be the last resort and only as a defense of a righteous cause and your honor. Wanton, unprovoked, self-righteous attacks would just invite unforeseen consequences.

May the grace of wisdom shine upon thee and give thee peace. May you have the strength to curb thy temper and enable thee to wait. May thou never be self-righteous.

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