Monday, January 23, 2017

Like Ashes in the Wind

Like Ashes in the Wind

How many times have we met?
Three, four, or is it five?
Have you taken the count?
Have you wondered why?
The furtive glances, the radiant smiles, 
The body's unspoken desires,
The heart's sweet murmurs
Were they for real? I often wonder
Or were they only in my mind?
Be that as they may
One of these lonely days,
I'll summon my courage
And spell out in clear detail
The last secret of my heart
So when I have to die,
The secret won't heave its inaudible last sigh
Yes, yes, yes, I do wish so very much
That you'd be a very special friend of mine
Maybe I'll print this "poem" out
So when we meet again once more 
I'll press it in your hand 
I don't want my feelings soar
Forever unknown and unspoken,
Like cold gray ashes in the wind

August 8, 2014

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