Wednesday, October 19, 2011

In the silence and stillness of somnolence

I always have greatest thoughts when being in the bathroom or right before falling asleep. The lyrics of a Spanish language song on the Internet were absolutely beautiful. I was tempted to copy them and then did the translation, but I was tired and lazy. Besides, I was afraid I would be too worked up to fall asleep. Male birds sing to attract potential mates. Dogs and wolves howl. Humans sing and and more ingeniously they enhance their voice by the musical instruments in order to convey the mood. Sounds seem to affect organisms. Here I am. I am writing these words silently, but if you read them correctly, you will discern a certain musicality in them. What I meant to say was that you would understand what I couldn't tell you face to face.

-How's so? You don't strike me as a bashful fellow.
-But I am.
-I don't think so.
- Stop being so fucking sure of your assessments!
-Whoa, you have a temper.
-You're so goddamned right. You're pissing me off, do you that? Here I am, about to open my heart to you so you can get see what's inside, what's been hidden from others. Then you had to ruin everything by acting so knowing, so perceptive about me. What's the fuck you really know about me, huh? We only know each other for one lousy week.
-So, why did you want to tell me about your heart and your soul, huh?
-Fuck you! See you in hell.
- Hey, come back here. I was only kidding. I like you. I really do. A lot.

So, I came back to her and haven't left since.

( to be continued)

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