Friday, June 11, 2010


The Vietnamese communist rulers are fond of advocating and talking about reconciliation whenever they travel overseas and encounter demonstrations organized the Viet exiles. They make it sound like the exiles are recalcitrant and sore losers. Reconciliation is a noble concept. Vietnamese of different political and religious colors, stripes, and persuasions should ALL work towards that end. However and unfortunately, as it is the ingrained practice of theirs, the VC never respect words. They use words to lie, to deceive, to mislead their opposition as well as their followers. If they really believe in reconciliation, then why did they rigorously follow a brutal policy of eliminating the opposition as evidenced by their assasinating non-communist Viet freedom fighters during the period 1930-1954, their brutal herding of South Vietnam's former armed forces personnel, bureaucrats, and politicians into Stalinist concentration camps after April 30, 1975, and their failure to utilize the talents of non-communist Viets? Reconciliation, to the VC, means an appeal to the non-communist Viets in Vietnam and especially active members of the Viet Diaspora overseas to stop calling to the attention of the world of what a corrupt, inhuman, money-hungry, insatiable regime in Vietnam really is, a regime that the great majority of the Viet people not only have no affection for, but also harbor an intense desire to see it collapse and implode, so in its place, a better system can be established. No people in this world like to live under communism. Just ask the run-of-the mill Russians, the Eastern Europeans, the Chinese, the North Koreans, the Cubans, the Cambodians, and the Laotians. Communism in practice is simply no good for humans. There is a flight---sometimes very desperate as the case of the Vietnamese and the North Koreans--- of people from communist countries to non-communist nations, but very rarely do we ever see people voluntarily migrate en mass to communist countries. Given a choice, only the foolish and the deluded, and of course hard-core communist cadres would care to live under communism. So, the VC please listen, reconciliation means you have to recognize reality and adjust and adapt to the needs of the people, not asking the people adjusting and adapting to your needs. Tyranny does not last forever. It never does. If you want to talk about reconciliation, study the policy practiced by South Africa when Mandela took over the country. Unlike your policy adopted when you conquered South Vietnam with the help of your communist patrons, Mandela's policy didn't result in an exodus of talents out of South Africa. Mandela openly declared a policy of national reconciliation when he came to power whereas you talked about "reeducation camps". Why did you NOT talk about reconciliation in 1975? Why now?

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