Friday, June 24, 2016

On Evil

On Evil

All human concepts and knowledge are interrelated. We divide them into different concepts and subject matters for ease of understanding and learning while the truth is that everything that rises will converge and become one. There's unity out of plurality. The plurality is only the manifestations of the unity, just like the matter, dark or not, is the reflection of Energy. Energy is the be all and end all of what we know about the Universe. So it is laughable to hear or read about what the religious charlatans called "God" and "Son of God", Judgment Day, Salvation, or Reincarnation. Deception of the stupid and the uneducated is Evil. And the sad thing is that all these rascals who call themselves religious leaders know that they are evil, but their stupid followers, their meek and brainwashed sheep don't know that. 

To really know things you must have a good, healthy, functioning brain and a desire to get to the bottom of things, and not in awe of any douche bags, regardless of the lofty title or designation or honorific in front of or after their names. We are all humans. The only two things that differentiate us and also set us apart from beasts and lower forms of life are Intelligence and Knowledge. So to be stupid and uninformed are the hallmarks of idiots and intellectual/spiritual slaves. It's truly sad to be born free and then we allow ourselves to become slaves, just because we are too stupid, lazy or fearful to think to the crux, marrow of what mind controllers pass off as religious and political  truths. 

So there is Evil in Religion and Politics because there are charlatans who speak of falsehoods and urge their stupid followers to persecute and kill others in the name of these falsehoods. The Crusaders, the ISIS leadership, and the Buddhist militant leaders who exhort the stamping out of the Muslims in Myanmar, are evil. The Nazis and The Commies in Russia, China, and Vietnam are also unquestionably evil due to their undeniable records of bloodshed they caused. 

Let's speak further a little more about the Commies in Vietnam, known by their epithet Vietcongs. Their leaders are disgusting and shameless and horribly greedy "humans" who are hated and viewed as evil by the majority of the populace. Some brave and patriotic Vietnamese risk their limbs and lives to openly oppose the hated VC regime. Most Vietnamese are seething with anger toward the VC regime but too fearful and too concerned with their own survival to do anything. Self-preservation is understandable, though inevitably leading to shame and lifelong slavery and servitude. But you have nothing against these folks. They have a right to remain silent and to suffer in silence. It is those who speak and write on behalf of the Vietcongs that make you wonder why. Perhaps they are no different from the Vietcong leaders. When individuals praise and protect Evil, they themselves are part and parcel of Evil. 

We humans have a choice between Good and Evil, between Light and Darkness, between Knowledge and Ignorance. Our choice speaks to others and also to ourselves who we are. So, when an asshole like TamiKaKa Ito, nick of Nguyễn Mạnh Phúc, chose to speak ill of you without substantiation, twist your words, utter bald-faced lies about you, or stick with and stand by ITS pathetic ignorance about English and Linguistics, this shameless, fucked-up, son of a bitch and a leprous dog, is Evil and deserves to be dealt with as such. To replace a key word written by the incomparable Shakespeare in the play King Lear, "Shun it, it's where Evil lies."

TamiKaKa, be fruitful and multiply, or in plain Anglo-Saxon, go f..k yourself in a barn, asshole. 

June 24, 2016
Christiansand, Norway

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