Saturday, November 14, 2009

Love for Vietnam

Love for Vietnam

A stirring quote, largely modified. The power of language. Language is nothing but thought articulated. Powerful thought demands expression in perfect clarity. When that happens, magic occurs and transformation takes place.

"The power of love is always stronger than the power of selfishness. It cannot be suppressed.

It is about sacrifice for the others, for our fellow countrymen who share the same tongue, the same songs and poems, the same history of triumphs and sorrows.

It is about honoring the sacred, preserving the heritage we have inherited from our forefathers.

Blind and relentless and persistent, love constantly is here to remind us that Vietnam is real, and not just a distant memory.

Vietnam will endure because most Vietnamese love Vietnam and will fight and die for it, just like our forefathers did."

nov. 12, 2009

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