Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgetting and Thanksgiving

This year some woman sent me a surprising Thanksgiving card, saying that she was thankful of my being her friend and thus relieving her much of existential loneliness and angst. She ended the effusive, gushing panegyrical epistle by oddly hoping that I will hang around on this planet for at least another year so she will find the energy to go on with her life. She sent the modern e-card via cyberspace, complete with electronic falling multihued autumn leaves on the desolate though pretty-looking path in the woods somewhere in the temperate zone. I didn't know her real name or whereabouts. I didn't pry and she didn't supply. I just know her by her nick "LonesomeLucy". She is my penpal and penfan. She wrote to me after seeing my improvement over e.e.cummings's lips to lips and eyes to eyes on the Net, stating that my version is far more accessible, poetic, and memorable than the original. 

Her card inspired me to sit down and say thanks to my deceased parents for giving birth to me; to the forces of chance that the sperm and the egg that constituted me were of the romantic and fantastic kind; to my listening to my own heart and being who I am. Thanks also to those who have loved me and hated me, for without your being a catalyst to my tortured soul, I would not have been able to write all those far-out, nonsensical, but eloquent and, if I may say so, beautiful letters and poems that I didn't know I had within me. Last, but not least, I thank Snow Clouds for putting up with me through all the years and months, I love you in a way that words would have difficulty to convey. 

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