Heart to Heart, Eyes to Eyes
The smart ones understand each other after a few lines
Besides words, they talk heart to heart, eyes to eyes
This ferry, the one you're in, is not only mine
It's also yours. Together, we row it to the other shore
Be patient with me. I'm an uncommon ferryman
Sometimes I row, sometimes I just ignore
I do hope then you would understand
Meanwhile I'm dreaming like I've never done before:
"voices to voices, lips to lips
i swear to you and to everyone else
that they make up the undying
of this sentiment that refuses to sleep
what's beyond logic
can only be magic
in this moment that even God
cannot compete
i bring you no flowers but only
scuplture of my words
if you close your eyes
you'll miss their kiss
voices and lips are more than just for songs and kisses
who cares if some sons of bitches
insist that Spring be the opening
of hearts and smiles
i am not afraid to dream that and this
nor am i afraid to fly"
November 2, 2013
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