Having true love is like having a true religious experience. It ennobled us. It opened our hearts. It made us become bigger and better. That's why having sex with love is feeling in touch with the divinity in us and in the other person. We give ourselves to the other. I knew it so. I truly loved Laura. That was why it took me 33 years to let her go of my heart and thus of my mind. Once I stopped loving her (because I finally realized that she was common, that she was nobody special. I cannot love a common person. There must be some sparks of "nobility" and "divinity" in my beloved. My beloved must be a better human being than me, at least in some aspects. Love means affection reinforced by respect and understanding. True love does not have to be reciprocated. Love is not a mercantile exchange. It is so for common folks. Never for me. That's why my first question to all women of interest is, "Are you good and kind and uncommon?" To be common and ordinary means to be bogged down by animalistic concerns and cravings. To be truly human is to strive for the transcendental and the noble within us.), I stopped having dreams about her. I still wrote and write about her, but no longer from the standpoint of pain and longing, but of peace and wisdom.
I am a mirror where others see themselves. We project onto others what we see in us. Yet, I am no common man, though in most moments I appear so or worse. Yes, I share many traits with the common men, but that does not mean I am one of them. We only intersect. They and I look similar, but that's where the commonalities end. I think and feel differently. I know I am different from them. How's so? From the words they use and the behavior they adopt. We must know about the Self and the Other, the superficial similarities and the profound differences. Yes, Buddha stressed that there was no difference between Self and Other, and he modestly claimed everybody, anybody, could be like him if only they became awake. But the fact remains only a few humans want to wake up. The majority want to sleep because sleep is easier. In addition, there are some unfortunate humans who cannot wake up. It's built in their constitution, at the time of their conception by the forces of chance. They were emotionally and intellectually crippled from the very beginning. So, at the end of the day, I must say, the tension in human interaction lies in the differences between Self and Other. If there are no differences and every human is the same---if we are all identical twins--- then there's no tension because understanding then is all complete and perfect.
I am a mirror where others see themselves. We project onto others what we see in us. Yet, I am no common man, though in most moments I appear so or worse. Yes, I share many traits with the common men, but that does not mean I am one of them. We only intersect. They and I look similar, but that's where the commonalities end. I think and feel differently. I know I am different from them. How's so? From the words they use and the behavior they adopt. We must know about the Self and the Other, the superficial similarities and the profound differences. Yes, Buddha stressed that there was no difference between Self and Other, and he modestly claimed everybody, anybody, could be like him if only they became awake. But the fact remains only a few humans want to wake up. The majority want to sleep because sleep is easier. In addition, there are some unfortunate humans who cannot wake up. It's built in their constitution, at the time of their conception by the forces of chance. They were emotionally and intellectually crippled from the very beginning. So, at the end of the day, I must say, the tension in human interaction lies in the differences between Self and Other. If there are no differences and every human is the same---if we are all identical twins--- then there's no tension because understanding then is all complete and perfect.
To really think is to think to the ultimate, to the core, to the marrow of the issue, and not to parrot the teachings of others or to fall back on common sayings. We must examine each and every truth for ourselves.
Deep down I am a very religious and metaphysical man covered with a thick veneer of grossness. I also happen to believe in the beauty of magic, of the story of Tristan and Isolde, of Romeo and Juliet, of Wuthering Heights, and of The Mayor of Casterbridge. I prefer tragedies over comedies although I have a sense of humor. I like the far-out, the impossible, the bizarre. I don't like realists because deep down realism is an euphemism for selfishness and mercantilism. I don't respect merchants as much as I do for poets and philosophers. Any human being, even a child, would see the values of money. It takes a special human being to devote himself to poetry or philosophy (which includes science. Science used to be a subset of philosophy). To me, beauty and truth are always more important than money. To be overly concerned with money is to be over-burdened with survival. Life is more than just survival. If we are too concerned about survival, we would forget how to live with dignity and pride.
I have high standards and I am into higher truths. That's why I am into over-reaching, arrogance, superiority, and contempt. One must be supernatural to appreciate the Supernatural. One must soar high like an eagle, and not flutter around the barnyard like a chicken. To be a true human is to dream big, think big, and exert onself.
Thus spake Roberto Wissai
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