Friday, November 1, 2013



It would be much easier on her and on me if she was more honest and more interested in the truth. 
It would be much better if she came out and asked me why, why, why. 
I would tell her; yes, I would, blow by blow.
Instead, she was scared of finding out what I had discovered about her,
The ugly, unpleasant things she had hidden and hadn't wanted me to know.
While I understand all roosters have to crow, monkeys screech, birds sing, 
And humans have to be proud of themselves so they can go on for another day.
But in the end, dignity and honesty still are the things 
And truths will help us be free. No, we don't have to pray
For a God to come to our aid or punish those we no longer love.
All we need to do is stop shedding tears of self-pity and stop blaming others.
Peace, Wisdom, and Growth will come to us when we really know.
After all, we would not walk away from people who  help us grow. 

November 1, 2013

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