Saturday, February 13, 2010



I did an immoral act in my dream. My conscience got so troubled by it that subsequently to that dream and many intervening others, another dream took place in which I confessed my misdeed and was punished severely for it. The punishment was disproportionate to the crime. It woke me up in the middle of the night and forced me to reach for my iPhone and record the sequence of events and the workings of my mind even while nominally being asleep.

Moral of the dreams:

You make amends for your mistakes privately and in secret. It would be a mistake to make public confessions because the self-righteous crowd and the cold penal code would not give a damn about your conscience. All they want is deterrence and punishment, not forgiveness. Of course, you must be strong enough not to fall for temptations in the first place. Be noble at all times, even when nobody is watching you, so you don't have to forgive yourself over and over again. Constant self-forgiveness makes you look pathetic and weak-willed.

Feb. 13, 2010

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