Friday, March 12, 2010


Criticism usually reflects more of the mentality and mindset and prejudices and bias of the fucking critics than the person whose work is the object of criticism. There is a thing called "self-projections". Most criticism miss the mark because the critics don't fucking know what the creators meant and had what in mind when he produced his work, whether it is a work of art or even a straightforward piece of essay. Literary criticism is very slippery because words are merely tools and not the message itself. It takes a rare sensibility to understand fully what the other person thinks and thus what he means when he writes in such and such manner.

Also, usually the critics are not as good as the artists or "producers" of the work being criticized. In the final analysis, only a poet is equipped to criticize a poem. Only an essayist can give justice to the analysis of an essay by another essayist. Otherwise all criticisms are hogwash, bullshit, and farting exercises in public by stupid, uninformed, loud, noisy busybodies.

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