***The more I travel on my intellectual path, the more I leave behind the painful memories associated with the distant past involving BF and SL. I don't feel bitter anymore. Instead, a mixture of cynical arrogance and disdain is taking over my being. However, my respect of facts, truths, and logic always reign supreme. That's why I despise so much bald-faced, shameless, lying idiots and assholes and motherfuckers like Tamika Ito, Trần Bá Đàm, and Trịnh Ngọc Nghĩa. These animals have no sense of honor and self-respect. They only have their little miserable egos to protect at any costs. They brought into sharp relief why contempt is one of the key explanatory concepts in understanding human behavior. Contempt is tied up with Hate. From there it wouldn't take long to embark on the journey paved with cruelty and evil.
So now the tools with which I have built an intellectual framework of understanding human behavior are:
-Survival needs: power, love/hate, sex, money,
-Ego needs (could be pertinent to individual only or tied up to his relating to others/society. Hermits or gregarious folks both need them) : respect/contempt, honor
-Intellectual needs: the need to know what's going on around us and the search for life's meaning and relevance.
The three sets of needs are in a circular loop, and not hierarchical, as Abraham Maslow
advocated. They feed on/reinforce each other.
***Everyday, just like Marcus Aurelius, I must meditate on my strengths and weaknesses before I get out of my condo to do battles with my adversaries in the financial and verbal arenas. I must also fantasize and visualize that I am a modern urban guerrilla fighter cum ninja warrior cum world-class, highly paid ultra secret assassin. With this mindset, I will push aside petty concerns with trivialities and egos. I will therefore only concern myself with physical safety and financial gains. Henceforth, all my utterances with be imbued with economy and caution and diplomacy. I will stay away from unnecessary battles that do nothing but sap my strength and waste my time. The truth of the matter is that all of my adversaries who have picked fights with me are my inferiors. I have been lucky. I have not met a superior. I must always remember from now on five truisms:
1. All humans crave Respect and fear Contempt.
2. Silence is golden if I have nothing positive to say about the matter. Stop showing off my intellect.
3. A sword is drawn only as a last resort because somebody will get wounded or be dead. And that somebody might be me.
4. Work on my character, health, and intellect. Ignore scumbags, assholes, motherfuckers, old or against whores, and sex-starved poor, uneducated idiots who cannot get laid because they are ugly and have no charms while possessing a big, stupid mouth.
5. Very few humans have a relentless search for truths and knowledge as I do. For that, I do have a right to be smug and feel special and superior to most of the human race. I am special and I know it. Whether the world knows it must not be a concern of mine.
***Several assholes, scumbags, and motherfuckers have call variously called me "stupid failure", "loud-mouthed, insolent bastard", or "arrogant and stupid". I used to be angry and upset at these appellations. But no more. I don't have to be troubled by the these mis-characterizations. To be troubled by them means to grant them a certain validity. We don't have to be the victims of what others think of us. We don't have to be self-righteously angry at absurdities. To hang out with lepers, we will eventually get leprosy. We roll in the mud with pigs, we get dirty while pigs don't mind getting dirty at all. In fact, they like mud. To live in peace requires a knowledge of when to speak in defense of ourselves against calumny and when to walk away in silence and contempt. There are certain assholes, scumbags, and motherfuckers that deserve to be incinerated, and not to be spoken to. Trash requires to be burned to ashes, and not to be caressed and stroked. All acts of cruelty derives from unadulterated contempt.
We must stake out our own territories in life, our own proper identities. We have choices. We are the masters of our destinies. We don't have to mired by the accidents of our births and upbringings. We have our minds and free wills. We make and fashion our lives the way we want them to be. We don't have to live as others do or as they want us to do. A good Life is a balance between alienation and connection. We are alienated from some and connected with others. We can't please all people and not all people please us.
(To be continued)
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