Coming out of the Closet or Is It Making it Up as I go along?
Contrary to would-be or wannabe writers who would kill or do anything almost as drastic and decisive to get their works published, I write just for the "fun" of it, for my own pleasure and satisfaction, and not necessarily for fame and recognition, or for fortune. I write because I have to otherwise I would have to commit acts of extreme violence and barbarity.
I always have a wry and bitter smile after reading autobiographical accounts penned by self-pitying and angry victims of abuse. I wish I would be bothered enough to drop a line or two to the authors that while it might be a cathartic exercise to revisit and confront suppressed traumatic memories, it is much better for them to stop regarding themselves as victims of circumstances. These poor souls would be much better off to live with an attitude that we are all the sum of our experiences and all experiences are useful to our survival. The only requirement is we must view the experiences in their proper context, no more or no less. In other words, we must neither romanticize not dramatize the experiences. Most humans are scumbags, if given a chance to prove themselves. Most humans are cowardly, self-righteous liars, too.
Fuck, I keep saying that we must know where we stand in relation to other organisms, especially other humans, on this planet. To do so, we must be very honest with ourselves and provide truthful answers to the following questions:
1. Why am I here? What's the fuck of my existence? What do I hope to accomplish with it?
2. Do I believe in my own abilities or in a myth and a fiction called God?
3. Am I in the top 5-10 percentile of the human race in terms of health, looks, education, intelligence, charm, and money? Or am I a fucked-up, hopeless, short, fat, ugly, impoverished woman loser, and of course no man wants my company, but amazingly enough I would stupidly go around telling others about a man whom I have been desperately chasing after for 15 years that he is dense and a loser. If he were such kind of a person, then why in fuck's name, I've been chasing after him for such a long time and have got no where with him? Think about the irony and the stupidity of my statement that the man is a loser. The statement did nothing but reveal that I am a fucked-up woman and deserve to be in an incineration chamber as my other 6 million kinsmen. Stupid is as stupid does! And this female kike is not alone. There are many like her. And the mother-fucking bitch fancies that she is a loving student of Buddhism! What a deluding "mind". I wish I had the power and wherewithal to feed the bitch to hungry stray dogs.
But, seriously, Roberto, are you really as enraged with the stupid bitch as you seem to be?
Nah, Omar. The bitch does not deserve a minute of my time. I just said so for the "fun" of it. I have many things to do and far more interesting bitches to associate and cavort. I have lived and I have learned. I just acquired another experience about assholes and scumbags: they don't go for facts, truths, and logic. They are fucking weak---morally, emotionally, and intellectually. They are not even human. They are deep down animals and deserve to be exterminated and incinerated like garbage. That's my greatest insight about them. They are not my equal and should not be treated as my equal. I must stay away from them and consider them as disease-carriers.
You're right, Roberto, for a change. Look at you! A fine specimen of the human race: tall, good-looking, nice physique, intelligent, educated, well-read, well-reasoned, financially sound, living in a nice condo and driving a fine car, women falling over themselves for you, a poet, a writer, a philosopher, a linguist, and a winning poker player, in short you're a Renaissance man, and yet the fucking midget kike told you that you were dense and a loser! Look at her! Fuck, she's a fat, ugly, repulsive bitch, Roberto, and she's stupid and ignorant. Your compassion was misplaced. I hope you learned from your lesson.
(To be continued)
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