Sunday, January 8, 2017


Silence Redux

Nietzsche once succinctly stated that it is hard to live with humans because Silence is difficult.

Everyday I see stupid and ignorant assholes and scumbags pontificate ad nauseam on issues about which they fucking know very little or nothing at all. And I have to summon all my will power to ignore these motherfuckers. I would live longer and better if I cultivate an imperviousness to these human animals. 

I just read again my story "Desert's here. Where's the rice field". And I must say I like it a lot, especially the introductory paragraph:

"You love talking, especially if there's a chance of seriously hurting myself. You like your food so hot that any woman sitting next to you would catch fire and invite you home. You like to live dangerously, close to the abyss and far away from the stars. You used to live in fear, but not anymore. Now you live in rage. You know one day you will not die in bed."

Every time I feel blue, I must think of the teachings of Bodhidharma. But tell me now, in all sincerity, do you personally know anybody write English with verve and style as I did in the above introductory paragraph? No, you don't. I know it. Those words are memorable. They are strong and striking, making an impact, leaving you gasping for air. They have hit you in the guts. They have changed you. You start looking at things freshly or more deeply. They are words of wisdom and even originality. So, don't blame me if I feel a little bit special and thus act a bit arrogantly. Okay, okay, I know, I am an unpublished writer, but that does not deter me from thinking who I am and what I am capable of. 

I have personally known quite a few crazy individuals. They have distorted views about Reality. But I am not like that. I may act differently and may show that I don't care for societal norms, but that does not mean I don't know Reality. I have a good, logical, inquisitive mind that's getting better with age. Reality is not what we think it is, as fools assume, but is what it is. The key thing is to discover and then understand what it is. That's what fools don't or can't understand. Instead, they slavishly accept what their motherfucking religious and political leaders tell them as Reality. 

To get Reality one has to be both smart and informed. 
(To be continued) 

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