Xavier Xavier Du Pont Québec
The editors of religious texts always claim that their written version of these texts derives either from an inspiration received from God, the prophets who wrote them, or even sometimes from texts supposed to have been written by God himself.
The reality is different, as these texts were written and edited for centuries by exegetes, disciples or copyists, that have succeeded one another over the centuries.
Their reflections and meditations were naturally rooted, not only in a collective unconscious, which was the result of their culture, but also in some Freudian complexes with which they were impregnated.
One of these complexes, the most omnipresent in their collective unconscious, was the image of the Almighty Father, reminiscent of the days when, in their youth, they saw their father as a being with infinite powers. The same complex obviously permeates humanity as a whole.
This is the reason that the image of the “Almighty Father” has inspired for centuries religious texts, leading them to talk about God as an omniscient, omnipotent entity, who can achieve everything at once. This concept of an Almighty God, however, contradicts everyday reality.
If, indeed, there was such an Almighty God, should we not ask ourselves these two questions :
– Would it be logical to say that God needed evolution to achieve his aims?
– Why would there still be injustices on earth, so much suffering, and children dying?
The answer usually given to this question is that God provided man with the liberty to choose his own way, so that he may be judged for his behavior.
This response seems pointless, because one could immediately ask:
Had God really created man ex nihilo, could he not have done so without giving him the tendency for sin, which results in the man committing the atrocities witnessed every day?
Max Planck, Nobel Prize in Physics and inventor of Quantum Mechanics said : “As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear-headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force … We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter”.
“I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness”.
One of the theses of Professor Carlo Rovelli goes by the name: Quantum gravity loop universe. Quantum gravity loop universe is a very daring concept which leads to the idea that our universe has emerged from a bounce of a previous universe. This opens the possibility of the multiverse, namely that several universes exist.
In order to understand the concept of the multiverse, one has to realise that when the big bang occurred, billions of galaxies were created, and in the center of most of them lies an immense black hole.
Thus, our universe would be born from a black hole and its inverse would be a white hole. Each white hole represents a new big bang.
In fact, this constitutes the concept of the quantum gravity loop universe, where universes are constantly renewed, while remaining similar from a conceptual and evolutionary perspective.
The fact that a man, in a procreation relationship with a woman will produce millions of spermatozoids, of which only one will fertilize the ovule, can be compared to the concept of a multiverse2. This similarity with the endless possibilities that natural selection represents throughout the transmission of life, allows us to understand the extent to which there exists common evolutionary principle for every renewal system in the universe.
This also allows to draw a parallel between the process of reproduction of spacetime in its non decohered state (which will be called « dark energy » in what follows) with the fact that it also comes to life and dies in the form of universes, as wild life and human beings do.
It is our opinion that each universe should always possess such a property, to systematically complexify by progressively transforming Entropy into Order and into Information.
These are the reasons that lead us to attempt and demonstrate in this essay on metaphysics that God, who, according to us, is Dark Energy, takes shape and disappears successively, like us, in the form of multiple universes. The big difference from the traditional concept of God, is that he is the source from which the complex impulses that are the basis of everything emanate, granting him the status of the great organizer of all that exists.
However, for the better understanding of our reasoning, and to explain what led us to express these thoughts, we will first review some concepts on quantum entanglement.
When Einstein, encouraged by his success on general relativity, wanted to continue pushing his algebraic calculations and see where they would lead him, he realized that his mathematical equations implied the following astonishing conclusion:
If two particles were entangled in a single atom and should this atom collide with other atoms causing the two particles to escape, they would remain entangled, even if they ended up billions of kilometers apart. This implies that, if any interaction took place that changed, for example, the polarity of one of them, simultaneously, the polarity of the other one would also be modified in the exact same time.
This result was even more surprising since two cosmologists, Morley and Michelson, had also demonstrated that no signal could be transmitted in space at a speed higher than the speed of light, which is three hundred thousand kilometers per second.
Therefore, Einstein decided to summon two other physicists : Podolsky and Rosen to further investigate this point.
Their meeting led to the publication of a statement in which they explained that, from their point of view, quantum physics evoked insufficiently substantiated work hypotheses, and further research should be directed to the search of hidden variables that could bring a rational answer to the problems raised.
Their statement remains famous under the name of EPR Paradox (each of the three letters corresponding to the initials of their names). Einstein died in 1955 without anybody contesting his results.
Thus, when discussing the EPR paradox, Richard Feynman3proclaimed : « I cannot define the real problem, therefore I suspect there’s no real problem, but I’m not sure there’s no real problem.”
It was only in the seventies that two physicists, John Bell with his concept of inequalities, and Alain Aspect, tried to verify the accuracy of Albert Einstein’s calculations.
Thus, they asked themselves the question of who was right:
– Einstein, Poldosky and Rosen on one hand
– or, alternatively, their equations.
The construction of the large collider of CERN in Geneva has subsequently confirmed the results of John Bell and Alain Aspect and to everybody’s surprise, it was Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen that were wrong and their equations were right.
In fact, Einstein’s mathematical endeavors where guided by his intuition about physics which prevailed over the former, but he was living at a time when scientific understanding had not evolved adequately to allow him to draw different conclusions other than that this issue reflected a lack of completeness of the theory.
The experiments of Alain Aspect and those of many others have completely confirmed the predicates of quantum mechanics and the theoretical work of Bell demonstrated that they are not compatible with the maximum speed for the propagation of signals, and with the naive image of separated systems in space.
If Einstein had known about this work, he certainly would have understood that he had touched here upon the limits of mathematizing reality.
It is this concept of quantum coherence that led Sir Roger Penrose to investigate and research the fundamentals of consciousness in the universe.
The concept of consciousness in the universe owes a lot to Sir Roger Penrose, who was the first to study this subject from a physicist’s viewpoint in his book entitled: Shadows of the mind.4
It is in reality, in the second part of his book, that Sir Roger Penrose elaborates a complete theory on human consciousness.
His theory was then completed by another thesis written in collaboration5 with Stuart Hameroff on the existence of microtubules in the cytoskeleton of neurons, on which quantum coherence states build up rapidly and sporadically, allowing the emergence of the sense of unity-of-self and the state of consciousness. These flashes of quantum coherence are so frequent that the state of consciousness appears as permanent.
In the case of anesthesia, it is the microtubules alone that are shut off and effectively disconnected from the rest of the body, while the autonomic nervous system continues to function normally.
To further refine their research, the authors wanted to check what was the possible behavior of protozoa in the framework of this hypothesis. A protozoan is a unicellular organism that has no brain. Its cilia allows it to move in order to nourish or to avoid danger. It also has microtubules in its cytoskeleton.
The experiments made by the authors demonstrated that the same substances used to anesthetize human beings also anesthetize protozoa in much the same way.
On this basis, Sir Roger Penrose imagined and built a theory in which consciousness in the universe would also exist in the elementary particles, which he named: proto-consciousness.
He had been largely encouraged by the discoveries of a great physicist, Werner Heisenberg, a contemporary of Albert Einstein, that had predicted with his uncertainty principle, that one could never simultaneously know the speed and the position of a particle, giving these particles a certain degree of freedom.
This degree of freedom of elementary particles, is only possible when they are in a state of quantum coherence, meaning that they are in a state described by the equation of Erwin Schrödinger:
H Ψ = E Ψ
Moreover, the cosmologists studying the density of the universe had concluded that:
- Seventy percent of this density is made of spacetime in its non decohered form,
- Five percent consists of the billions of stars and galaxies found in the universe
- Twenty five percent is formed by dark matter situated in the halo of galaxies, which we think (yet to be proved) is in fact an intermediate state between non decohered spacetime and ordinary matter.
At this stage there would be two essential questions that we could ask ourselves:
- Would it be possible that all these elementary particles that are in a state of quantum coherence and governed by Erwin Schrödinger’s equation, each of which possesses a degree of freedom and consciousness, do not colectively maintain a state of consciousness in spacetime which is what we call dark energy?
- Shouldn’t we conclude, on the contrary, that all these particles once brought together multiply their state of consciousness almost infinitely?
Our opinion is that this former is really the case, and that Dark Energy, in its non decohered state is at the basis of all complexifying impulses in the Universe that progressively transform Entropy into Order and into Information.
It is exactly the existence of these impulses in spacetime that lead us to believe that an intelligence exists in the Dark Energy.
This brings us naturally to the concept of a powerful God, but not the Almighty God discussed at the beginning of our thesis, and who, in our opinion, is Dark Energy as described by the equation of Erwin Schrödinger.
1Seven lessons of Physics, Carlo Rovelli
2The life of the Cosmos, Lee Smolin
3Richard Feynman, quoted Einstein/Gödel, Palle Yourgau
4Shadows of the Mind, Roger Penrose
5Consciousness in the universe, Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff
Cher Monsieur, selon vous, est il possible de reconcilier la physique einsteiniéne et la physique quantique ? Comment ?