A Short Happy Moment in the Life of Roberto Wissai
He smiled broadly at the plethora of inane posts a self-deluding Catholic (Catholics have deluded themselves. All of them. No exception. Not only Catholics, but all theists. How could you believe in a Nonsense called God? At least the number Zero, the concept of Nothingness, serves a purpose in math, in unlocking the secrets of the universe. The notion of God, on the contrary and very ironically, has stood in the way humans are trying to fathom how the universe came into being.) manically spewed forth on the Net, one of which reminded the netters to be circumspect and exercise caution in reading the writings of various individuals---one of those was him. It was fun and amazing to see an enslaved mind at "work". But then he asked himself if his own mind was enslaved by prejudices, biases, hate, and sundry negative feelings/thoughts. It was time to confront the engineering of his own interior, of his heart and of his mind.
Once he realized he himself must not be deluded/enslaved by Pride and Ego which were the products of Ignorance and Stupidity, what the deluded and suffering folks maligned him didn't touch him at all. He smiled because he saw the issue with a clarity.
He was a mystic. Yes, he was. Well, at least, he fancied himself to be. A man was allowed to have fantasies. Right? If not for fantasies, Mankind would be more unhappy than they are right now. And religious leaders would be out of work. That is right, pal. Man is a fanciful animal. He dreams and he fantasizes, not only about sexual matters, but also how to swindle gullible folks out of their hard-earned money. They say to one another, let's become priests and monks, play into people's Fear and Greed and Hope, and then bingo, there it is, flows in the money, if we know how to sound knowledgeable and pious.
Anyway (he used "anyway" a lot, didn't he?) he had known he was a mystic (but not religious. There's a big difference.) all along, but it took a real confrontation with Pride and Ego for him to see clearly the issue. He was no longer vexed or annoyed. He was able to maintain silence and ignore the cheap taunts and provocations administered by deluded minds. The more they posted inane, childish, libelous nonsense about him, the more they degraded themselves in the public eye.
The deluded and long-suffering folks could not handle Facts, Logic, and Truths. It was as simple as that. Maybe they didn't have a capacity for Facts, Logic, and Truths. That fact reflected in what they believed and in what they wrote. They didn't know Life, for humans at least, is a Journey from Darkness to Light, from Ignorance to Understanding, and then to Death and Oblivion and Nothingness, and back to the Universe where they came from. The total cosmic Energy is the same and unchanging. Only the shapes and manifestations of the Energy undergo the metamorphosis. This is what he understands and believes in for now, until better facts and truths emerge.
It was comical and ironic---and he smiled once more as he recollected---to be called "stupid" by an imbecile, just as it was hilarious to be called a "loser" by a loser. But he had seen this behavioral cheap shot of belittling others of what we felt so insecure about ourselves deep inside. That was why his opponents fought tooth and nail in debates on the Net, trying desperately to project an image that they were just, if not immeasurably better, as sharp, well-informed, and articulate as he was. It was pathetic and comical to see them struggling for (the intellectual) air. He used to laugh at them as they were drowning in the rhetorical quagmire into which they audaciously but stupidly waded. He was not smiling anymore because it dawned on him a stark realization that his opponents simply tried to save and thus they scrambled for vestiges and scraps of dignity and worth they could find in a public debate. They also didn't want to appear intellectually inferior so they gallantly took recourse to sophistry, outright lies, cheap insults, and evasive measures in projecting an image that they were right and that they were winning the debate, but the public knew that his opponents were outmatched and outclassed. They had met an Intellectual Colossus, and his name was Roberto Wissai. So what did he do? He left the debate stage. He didn't answer their taunts and provocations. He practiced silence and detachment. He was deep down a mystic, a comic, a poet, a writer, and a philosopher all rolled into one. You didn't know that? Well, you know now. Anyway, he let them yelp and yap on, until they finally stopped out of embarrassment and exhaustion. He wondered if they felt any shame of talking to themselves on the stage where the opponent had walked off it a long time ago, and most of the audience had long stopped paying attention due to boredom and sheer meaningless noise.
Try that technique in the future. If somebody wants to pick a verbal fight/brawl with you, instead of a genuine debate, and if you deem him to be a featherweight, intellectually speaking, and not worth your effort, just smile and say, "you're right", and walk away, despite all the taunts thrown at you as you walk away, while feeling free, relaxed, serene, happy, and unconcerned.
A verbal fight is different from a fistfight. In a fistfight, you'd better make damn sure that your opponent is smaller and not as good as you. But in a verbal brawl, choose someone who is much smarter than you, so you can learn something. There's no pleasure to beat up an intellectual midget.
December 9, 2015
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