Thursday, August 15, 2013

Em tôi ơi! tình có nghĩa gì đâu?

Em tôi ơi! tình có nghĩa gì đâu?
Nếu là không lưu luyến buổi sơ đầu?
Thuở ân ái mong manh như nắng lụa
Hoa bướm ngập ngừng cỏ cây lần lữa

Hồ Dzếnh

My Báby! what does love really mean? 
If not the lingering moments when we first met? 
The love-making sessions as tenuous as silk in sunshine 
As tentative as when flowers hesitatingly greeted butterflies
While grass and trees were not in a mood to start a fire

Translated by Wissai
August 6, 2013

Thou walked in beauty in the night
Of bright moon and starry sky,
But nothing could be as bright as thy smile
When thou softly said in a voice so fine 
That thou would like to look into my eyes, 
Then whisper into my ear while holding me tight
That thy love for me could no longer be denied. 
 I felt then and there I was bathed in a shower of lights.

August 15, 2013

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