Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Indian Philosophy

The so-called Indian "philosophy", as presented here, can be concisely viewed  as  follows:

A) The What:  

I am not sure what the post I encountered recently is actually about the essence of Indian Philosophy, but their verbiage could be grouped under the concepts of:


B) Why Is There Such a "Philosophy"?

I am not smart enough to figure out yet except I can't help thinking this is a philosophy of a person finding himself stuck in a quagmire. The "philosophy" could be a result of the contemplation of the wisdom of passivity. In a similar vein, Nietzsche once attributed Christian ethics to the mentality of slaves. He went on making cogent analysis. Before anybody condemns him as a crackpot, his views on ethics have been influential. He has exerted an enormous influence on thinkers and artists. Blithely dismissing him based on scattered hearsay, as many have done, without bothering to take the time to find out what the man thought and especially how he expressed himself is a sign of laziness and gross insensitivity, besides intellectual dishonesty.


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