Sunday, June 12, 2016

Why did I change my mind once more about Donald Trump?

Why did I change my mind once more about Donald Trump?

I first supported Hillary Clinton in her quest of being the first female American President because of her deep experience, knowledge, hawkish views on foreign policy, and avowal of continuing Obama's domestic programs, despite my deep reservations about her integrity, greediness, and being Wall Street's tool, lackey, and running dog. 

However, the more I learned about her, the less I liked and respected her while Trump appeared to be a breath of fresh air in spite of his ignorance, brashness, and pettiness. I wanted real changes advice tê by Trump brought to America, whereas Trump's counterpart just represented the status quo. I was counting on Trump's business acumen, ability to get along with people across the spectrum of political affiliations, and worth as a decent human being as evidenced by the love and respect his children have for him and how well they themselves have turned out. I was hoping that what he said and did during the long primary campaign was just part and parcel of the rhetoric of securing the nomination, and that he would be a far more decent human being and definitely of Presidential material once he got into the full swing of general election campaign. 

To my dismay, the last few weeks have shown to me that what we have seen in Trump is what he really is: supreme ignorance and pettiness, and incarnation of easy lies, narcissism and authoritarianism. In my estimation, if elected as President, Trump will bring cataclysmic changes to the country and make it far worse instead of better than it is now. 

The President of this great adopted nation of ours should be someone we all respect and look up to and trust, not a person who is worse off in character than we are. So, Hillary Clinton while herself not being a paragon of virtues, is a better choice. We know she may not institute far-reaching changes that the country needs, but she is rational and mature, and will not do severe harm to the country as Hitler did to Germany. 

Our votes count and contribute to the destiny of this country and us personally. I urge you to vote in accordance with your mind, not with your heart. Heart may propel us into action, but Mind is what determines if the action is wise. 


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