Sunday, February 9, 2014

Of Pride, Intellectualism, and Plain Fucking Sickness

Oh, your words were not this snarky and snarly when you first stepped out into life. You used to be sweet and innocent. Then pain, intense and agonizing, came along and opened your eyes to the realities about human animals. And your speech then acquired a painful quality. They say pain is a private matter, but you publicize and parade it. Pope Francis in his first Christmas message said, "True peace is  not a lovely facade which conceals conflicts and divisions. Peace calls for daily commitment." Substitute peace for love or knowledge, more realities will surface. A smug, self-impressed ignoramus once opined that a jurist would know more about human ethology than ten scholars who have devoted their lives studying the subject. What did the fuck he knew about the subject of ethology to make such a stupid, unsubstantiated, rhetorical, and theoretical comment? Pride without substantiation or basis is a dumb thing to have. But human animals are fucking like that. They cling to their self-created, unfounded pride as a shipwrecked sailor clings to a floating piece of wooden board. Intellectuality must be based on honesty, otherwise it is just ignorance all the same. A piece of paper granted by a institute of higher learning does not necessarily mean that you are a bona fide intellectual. You must earn it the hard way: you question conventional wisdom, you observe, you test your hypothesis, you verify, you make sure your convictions and beliefs stand the test of verifiability and duplication. Realities and truths are rarely immutable. So you must also state the qualifying conditions under which your realities and truths operate. Until you do so, you have no right to call yourself an intellectual or even an educated person. Are you listening to me, assholes and scumbags?

So, the bitch is still in pain. That's why it still barks whenever the opportunities present themselves while it refuses to deal with the facts at hand. As stated ad nauseam, we can easily tell the character of the speaker from the way he/she employs words and logic. Assholes and scumbags always think they are right and in the know. They fucking jump up and down like monkeys possessed by the "Devil" if their egos get wounded. 

Child molestation is a vastly complex issue. It's more often the case involving infantile, arrested, emotionally stunted, and socially awkward individuals than power plays by domineering and power hungry adults. The latter would seek their sexual outlets via rapes and/or sadistic sexual practices. Human sexuality is complex and varied. Of course, sexuality of chimps closely resembles that of humans. You think the bitch was not emotionally (and maybe something else, too) balanced. Too much vaulting, not enough undaunted, and very unwarranted pride. Pride must be commensurate with true accomplishments. Too often, little minds get carried away with their little accomplishments. A first thing a really smart, intelligent human would and should do is to be aware that the sea of knowledge is deep and vast. There are so many things a human cannot possibly know them all in depth all by himself and thus must rely on the studies of others. To be stupidly defensive of one's ignorance is to be both stupid and ignorant indeed. 

Be careful of weird, strange people with weird, strange, illogical language/narrative/story and phraseology. Very often, these people cannot and do not have normal love and hence sexual relationships. 

Be careful of compensating mechanisms in human behavior. 

(To be continued) 

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