Thursday, January 17, 2013

Nobility and Depravity

There are times when a man has to choose when he comes to a life's crossroads. One road will lead him to excitement, perdition, and depravity, but his life has longevity; the other leads to a dangerous, precarious existence, but his integrity will be intact. Which road he chooses tells the world more than to himself who he is and what he is made of.

Steve Pinker asserted that the following was how Man has viewed himself throughout the ages:

"Political Man in Classical times, Religious Man in the Christian Middle Ages, Economic Man in the Enlightenment, and Psychological Man in the 20th Century and after. Now, rather than understanding ourselves in terms of our place in the social order, our relationship with God, or our rational pursuit of self-interest, we are looking to Freud's theory of psychoanalysis and its conception of a complex psyche balancing its instinctual origins with the demands of civilization..."

I don't know if his assertion holds water under scrutiny, but ever since I came across it, I have thought about it. And the more I think about it, the more I give credence to the importance of intellectual honesty in defining a man's true worth. A real man, not a scumbag or an asshole, must learn to be truthful in making statements, especially in a public debate. He must respect facts and logic. Certain individuals failed miserably in this regard when debating with me. If they wish to have a catalogue of their lies and falsehoods, I will be more than happy to list their lies and falsehoods.

One thing I notice about intellectual cowards is that they never acknowledge their ignorance and cowardice. They prefer to adopt an air of righteousness or victimhood. They are just the polar opposites of me. No wonder I hold them in complete contempt. One asshole recently shed crocodile tears and pretended ignorance and dismay over what had transpired between him and me and wondered out loud as to why I had denounced him in a graphic and memorable manner and why I had regarded him no better than pond scum and a wriggling maggot in a pile of shit. Some humans are pitiful and unwittingly "funny". Hitler knew about that. Now I know about. They don't really respect themselves. If they do, they would work on their stupid ignorance and would not pretend who they are not. They are cowards in every sense of the word. They dish out insults and yet cannot handle retaliation. Emotionally they are weak and childish, yet they call others childish. "Humans" like those deserve to be done away with and exterminated like vermin. I wonder why they turned out to be like that. Is that genetics or just blind stupidity and animalism? Don't they know the most important thing a real human needs to realize is to be true to himself and to face the world squarely? Most "humans" I have met always pretend they are better than they really are. One bitch midget was downright ugly but told me in all seriousness that she considered herself to be "good-looking". And when I expressed incredulity at her self-assertion, she sarcastically asked me if I regarded myself as handsome. My reaction was screaming at the top of my lungs, "Yes, I am fucking handsome! Always was and still am. People have told me I am good-looking since I was a little boy." and then I walked away from the bitch in utter disgust. I felt like pond scum had washed over me and I had to be in a hurry to take a long bath. Okay, I admit that my reaction was a bit extreme and uncool, but I just couldn't handle pretense. If I have power, I would line all pretenders against a wall and tickle them to death. I would make them laugh to extinction.


(to be continued)

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