Saturday, November 14, 2009

Dutch demagogue Geert Wilders

I assume all of you are still intellectually vigorous and curious, despite your advanced age, and can still exercise the thing called faculty of reason and see the speech for what it is: a piece of trash because it is full of distorted facts and half-truths. I highly recommend you go to library, check out some books on history and religion, and then form your own opinions instead of relying on what Wilders tells you. Laziness and intellectual sloth and lethargy lead directly to being brainwashed.

I am sick and tired of pro-Israel Christian bigots like Wilders and his ilk. Wilders conveniently glossed over the following facts (the list is by no means exhaustive):

1. Christian and Zionist attacks on Muhammad (Mohammed) and Islam are increasingly virulent while Muslims have been commanded to respect Jewish prophets, including Jesus, and the Muslims have followed the command. Apparently Christians like Wilders and his ilk cannot follow the teachings of their "Savior".

2. Jews have the Torah (Old Testament) and Christians have the New >> Statement. So Muhammad gave his followers a book of their own, the Koran. Compared with the other two, the Koran contains fewer assertions that fly in the face of common sense and scientific knowledge.

3. Jihad is more than a call to war.

4. As I once mentioned, Muhammad killed the members of two Jewish tribes because they broke their covenant with Muhammad and tried to kill him. Ever since he proclaimed that the archangel Gabriel had revealed to him God's words, Muhammad's life was in constant danger. It was a testament of his political, military, and administrative skills that he escaped death and became a figure of reverence and affection, even by non-Muslims like myself. Buddha was left alone by Hindu politicians because he didn't agitate for political changes. He conversed with all kinds of people and aroused no enmity. In contrast, Jesus was killed, but then miraculously he didn't die, his tomb was empty, and he was allegedly to rise up to Heaven and sit by the right side of the Father. But is he not God himself or Son of God or God in the flesh? I am so confused. The concept of Trinity overtaxes my puny mind and my imagination. I am incapable of understanding and following the labyrinth logic put forth by Christian theologians and apologists. Politics and religions are intertwined. A religious figure often engages in acts which can be called political. Thus, we could call Jesus a politician. I wonder what and how Hien Le would think of Jesus because he espouses a view that killed politicians are stupid.

5. Jewish brutality towards Palestinians has been well-documented. It has been a stain on her image in the world and is likely a factor in her eventual doom. In addition, her brutality makes the Nazis' own brutality against her "understandable" .

6. Wilders didn't explain why there are so many Muslims in Europe in the first place: hangover from colonial times, source of cheap labor, declining birthrate of Christian societies (selfishness and rise of materialism) concomitant with high birthrate of Muslim immigrants.

7. The U.S. is not in position to help Europe combat Islam. She is almost broke in her ventures in imperial wars. If she does not reverse course, she will be doomed. Read Empire of Illusion for more information of how corporations ruin America.

8. Jewish financiers control Congress, financial institutions, and media. America has been fighting wars for Israel.


Nov. 13, 2009

P.S. This piece of writing was an exercise in polemic and logic. It should not be construed as an attack on any religion; rather, it was an attack on mushy, fuzzy, hazy, lazy thinking. There are good and bad people in any religion. I seriously doubt if religion has any serious influence on the character and morality of people. As for certain infamous Christian converts, unwittingly they have been a source of endless amusement to me.


Muhammad did not die in battle, but rather suddenly of illness. That gave rise to a current conspiracy theory advanced by the enemies of Islam that he was poisoned by a widow of a man whom he had killed in battle. None of the three history books I have read remotely hinted at this dark tale. I wonder how a man who had so many enemies would be so careless that he allowed a widow of his enemy to get that close to him so she could poison him. As for his alleged pedophilia, only one of his wives was a teenager when she married him. He was monogamous with his first wife who was 15 years his senior who bore him four (from my memory) daughters. Only after his first wife died, did Muhammad practice polygamy, mostly for political alliance. From my memory, he had fewer than ten wives, not a harem as some Christians and Zionists would like us to believe. He never had a reputation as a lecher. Rather, he was a principled, disciplined, religious man, much respected during his times and revered after his death. People would not respect nor revere a lecher. The man had my respect and admiration for being well-rounded, compared to the founders of other religions. All the personal and unfair attacks on Muhammad currently undertaken by Christian bigots and Zionists inflame the anger of Muslims and are counterproductive. Nothing the enemies of Islam say would weaken the love and reverence the Muslims have for the founder of their faith, just as nothing would dissuade Christians from believing in the "divinity" of Jesus. The fact that Muhammad claimed to have a much more modest connection to God and his command that his followers should have respect for Jews and Christians endeared himself to me. He stated he was a mere messenger. I personally don't think he was a messenger of anybody. He was a man of his times. He incorporated the preachings of Jewishand Christian into his own views. He made up the story about Gabriel to lend legitimacy to his views. The bottom line is that his views and claims were not THAT wild and woolly compared to the other two Abrahamaic faiths and were quite egalitarian. Unfortunately, Christianity has viewed Islam with extreme prejudice and has been bent to exterminate it. Radical Islam has many causes, and one of the causes is the rightful fight for survival. Other causes are reactions to colonial and current economic exploitation, bolstering effete ruling cliques, Christian relentless ridicule of Muhammad and Islam. We should remember that countries in Europe (Albania, Bosnia) Africa (Egypt), the Middle East (Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey) used to be predominantly Christian before mass conversions and adoption of Islam as Arabic and later Islamic armies expanded into Christian lands. The same thing occurred when European colonialism expanded the rise and appeal ofChristianity in 18th and 19th centuries. Wars in China, Korea, and Vietnam in the 20th century expanded American Protestanism. Currently the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have seen a surge of American missionary work in these countries under the guise of aid and charity. Religion, politics, economics, and war are inseparable bed partners. Religion is never pure and high-minded as it claims.

Politics and religions are intertwined. A religious figure often engages in acts which can be called political. Thus, we could call Jesus a politician.

First, please note that I used the conditional verb “could”, not another qualifier like “absolutely” or “definitely” because I showed deference to a possibility that I could be all wet and wrong in my assessment of the acts of Jesus.

Second, please further note the term “politics” and its adjective “political” have expanded in meaning and application, and no longer limited to the strict construction of activities that aim at seizing political power. They have come to include activities that bring about social changes through changing the behavior of the people. So, when I wrote that Jesus engaged in acts which could be deemed political in nature, I had in mind the latter meaning, and not in the meaning that Jesus was a career politician running for public office. I am no Bible scholar. My knowledge of the life of Jesus is scanty, but I recall that Jesus was quite militant in his views and not shy in expressing them. He was often referred to as a rebel. He was also militant in his acts. If I am not wrong, he chased the moneylenders out of the temple. He was a social activist, looking for social changes. Thus, in my views he acted as if he was a politician. As long as a person is not a hermit, his acts, in one way or another, have political import. Politics occurs in a group.

Third, I have a lot of respect and admiration for Jesus, a man with much love for his fellow men, especially the downtrodden. He preached love, compassion, understanding (cf. throwing the first stone) and forbearance (cf. turning the other cheek). His untimely death at a young age affected me. I don’t subscribe to his otherworldly views and I definitely don’t view him “divine”. I recognize he was absolutely a bigger man than I am, a man with a far bigger heart.

Silence could be misconstrued as agreement, so I would like to go on record and say that I never said that I was a “learned man”. I did state that I read some books and I do care about facts and knowledge and I don’t take a back seat to anybody in thinking in a logical, fact-filled manner. I am not a shy man. I wish I could practice forbearance. I know I have an unsavory tendency of returning insolence with bites and barbs of my own. I wish I were like like who could converse with all kinds of people without arousing enmity. I am imperfect. I am a work in progress.

Nov.14, 2009

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